301-355-6104 [email protected]

Property Listing Information

MD, VA, or DC
Mailing Address (if different)

Showing Contact Name(Required)

Owner Name
If you're an LLC/Company, put your company's name under "First."

What percent of the sale price (if any) are you willing to offer the buyers agent?

Showing Requirement Instructions(Required)
Structure Type(Required)

Construction Details(Required)
Exterior Construction(Required)
Levels/Stories (incl. Basement)(Required)


Bedrooms and Baths

Lower Level (Basement)

Main Level

Upper Level 1

Upper Level 2

HOA/Condo Association

Homeowner's Association?
Condo Association?
Frequency (HOA)
Frequency (Condo)
HOA/Condo/Coop Fee Includes
HOA/Condo/Coop Amenities


Hot Water(Required)
Water Source(Required)
Sewer Septic(Required)
Cooling Fuel(Required)
Cooling Type(Required)
Heating Type(Required)
Heating Fuel(Required)
Basement Type

Features and Rooms

Interior Features
Window Features
Door Features
Accessibility Features


Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.
Fireplace Features

Features & Rooms: Exterior Features

Exterior Features
Outside Living Structures


Pool Features

Lot Features



Type of Parking
Garage Features

Remarks and Photos

Please write a description of your property. This description is what will populate on real estate websites and well as the MLS. Agents and Buyers will see this description.

Listing Photos

You can upload your listing photos by emailing them to [email protected] and attaching the address to the subject line. MLS accepted files: .JPEG, .JPG. This can be done by attaching all the photos at once or by sending multiple emails. A front-exterior photo is required to list. Additionally, you can send us a google drive link or dropbox link with your photos to our email as well.


Once you submit the form, please call SAVE 6 at 301-355-6104 to pay your flat fee payment over the phone for better security. Thank you very much for your business and we look forward to working with you.

Additional Information (Optional)

Are you purchasing a property in Maryland, Virginia, or DC?
Would you like to learn more about our Buyer Commission Rebate Program?
Take advantage of our exclusive Buyer Rebate Program! We rebate half of our buyer/broker commission directly to you at settlement—putting money back in your pocket. MD, VA, or DC only.)